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Gaylnn Barnes, President


Lisa Roder, Vice President


Dorothy Elizondo, Treasurer


Ajah Poston, Secretary


Sonya Jackson, Ways N Means


Deborah De La Cruz, Web Designer







Article I – Name and Purpose

The name of the organization is the Loara High School Pep Squad Boosters.  The organization’s purpose is to serve and support all the students of the Loara High School Pep Squad.


Article II – Officer’s Duties

All Executive Board members are expected to understand and accept the purpose of the Boosters.  They are also expected to attend all Executive, General and Special meetings.  All officers shall hold their office for a period of one year which begins annually the day after graduation.  All officers must at all times have their student’s account in good standing. 

President:  Will be responsible for presiding at the monthly meetings.  Will be responsible for seeing that all activities of the Boosters will be carried through.  Will set the agenda for all meetings of the Board and General membership.  Will appoint all committees.  Will be the liaison with all school officials/staff/coaches.  Shall be an authorized check signer.

Vice President:  Will be responsible for carrying out the duties of the President in his/her absence.  Will accept any special duties assigned by the President.  Shall be an authorized check signer.

Secretary:  Will keep the records of the Booster meetings.  Will be responsible for submitting the minutes to be filed for record.  Will handle all correspondence for the Boosters.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of the Boosters and deposit such funds in the name of the Boosters in such banks or other depositories as shall be selected by the Executive Board.  The Treasurer shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the Boosters from any source whatsoever.  The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Boosters as may be directed by the Boosters.  Shall be an authorized check signer. 

Ways and Means:  Will be responsible for arranging and handling of all fundraising for the Boosters.

Web Designer: Will be responsible for updating the Loara Cheer Web Site and any web based social network.



Article III - Election of Officers

After the new Pep Squad is announced at the beginning of May, the new Pep Squad parents shall be invited to the May Booster meeting.  At the meeting, a sign up sheet shall be passed seeking those interested in becoming a member of the Executive Board.  The President shall make up the ballots.  Nominees for any office authorized to sign checks shall not be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household.  At the June Booster meeting the members will cast their ballots.  The ballots shall be counted by no less than two current Board members and shall result by a simple majority vote.  The new board will be announced by the end of the meeting.

Any Board member may resign at any time for any reason by giving the President written notice.

In the event that the office of the President becomes vacant, the next office in succession following the order named shall fill the position of Interim President.  The Interim President shall conduct the election of a new President as soon as possible and will serve as President until a replacement is elected.


Article IV - Removal of Officers

Any Board member of this Boosters may be removed from office for due cause by a vote of the remaining Executive Board at a Special meeting announced for that purpose.  Reasons for removal include incompetence and failure to attend meetings or comply with the bylaws.  Incompetence is subjective and will be left to the discretion of the Board.  One warning followed by an opportunity for response will constitute due process.  Failure to attend two (2) consecutive Board meetings without just cause is reason for dismissal.

A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a ballot vote of the Boosters at the next meeting following the vacancy.  A person chosen to fill any vacancy on the Board shall meet the qualifications as defined in Article II and will take on all responsibilities of that position as described in Article II.




Article V- Membership

The membership of the Loara Pep Squad Boosters will be divided into three (3) categories:

Active Member Parent/Guardian with a student participating in the program.  May vote at General and Special meetings.

Alumni Parent/Guardian/or Past Member of the Pep Squad.  May not vote.

School/Staff/District and School Employees/Staff Members hired by the Boosters.  May not vote.

Membership Dues:  None at this time.


Article VI - Booster Year

The fiscal year of the Boosters will begin on the day after graduation of any given year and will continue through graduation day of the following year.


Article VII - Meetings

The schedule of General meetings will be communicated by the Executive Board at the first meeting for the new Pep Squad year.  No General Booster meeting shall conduct business without a quorum of the Executive Board.  The Boosters shall meet every month during the football season and switch to bi-monthly meetings after football season.  The Executive Board shall continue to meet on the months that the General Boosters are not.  A Special meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Board by giving notice via email or phone call to every member.


Article VIII - Quorum and Rules of Order

Quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Executive Board at Executive Board meetings and a simple majority of the Boosters at General meetings.

The rules obtained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised will govern all Board, General and Special meetings except where conflict between Robert’s Rules and the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation or the laws of the State of California.




Article IX – Budget

The Executive Board shall create a budget at the beginning of the Pep Squad year.  Said budget shall be presented to the Boosters for an approval by a majority vote of the members present at the Boosters meeting that the budget is presented at.


Article X - Expenses

There shall be two signers required on all checks.  These signatures will be the President and Treasurer.  The Vice President shall also be a signer in case of the absence of the President or Treasurer. 

All expenditures involving the Loara Pep Squad must be pre-approved by a majority vote of the Boosters prior to purchase for expenses over $100.00.  The President and Treasurer may use their discretion in minor expenses up to $100.00 for Pep Squad related expenses.  Any purchases made under $100.00 must be ratified by the Boosters at the meeting following the expense and reflected in the minutes.  If expenditures are made without prior approval, there is a possibility that that person will not be reimbursed.


Article XI - Deposits

All monies of the Boosters shall be handed to the Treasurer or Financial Secretary only unless prior arrangements have been made with the Treasurer.  All monies must have a note attached explaining what the deposit is for.  All deposits shall be made within one (1) week of the close of any fundraiser and/or  monies received from any Booster member.


Article XII - Accounts

There are two (2) types of accounts:

Booster Account:  This account is the Booster general fund. 

Student Account:  This is the student’s individual account.  These accounts are generated from fundraising to help pay for the student needs in the Pep Squad.  Money may also be deposited into the account by the student or their parent to pay for the needs of their Pep Squad such as:  Uniforms, Camp Fees, Coaches Fees, Competition Fees and any other related expense as a Loara Pep Squad member.  Upon leaving the Pep Squad, any money
in the student’s individual account shall be returned to the individual upon written request by said individual before leaving the Pep Squad or prior to Graduation.  If a request is not


made in writing by the parent/guardian of the student that has left the Pep Squad by the start of the new Pep Squad year all money in that individual’s account shall transfer into the Booster Account.

Payments made by check will not be accepted if anyone’s check has been returned twice.  All future payments must be made in cash or money order. 


Article XIII - Fundraising

There are two (2) types of fundraisers.  There are those designed to benefit the group and those designed to benefit the individual.

Boosters Fundraisers:  Participation in all fundraisers is mandatory since these are the activities designed to address the needs outlined in the budget.  Monetary contributions in lieu of participation is an alternative.  Some fundraisers require monetary contributions, some allow labor to be substituted for monetary contributions through solicitation efforts, and other requires labor in the form of working an event.

Individual Fundraisers:  These fundraisers are not mandatory because they are designed as an opportunity for each individual to help defray the expenses connected with membership in the Pep Squad.  Proceeds are credited to the individual holding account.  Each individual shall receive a statement each month of their account.


Article XIV- Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended once a year.  Changes to the Bylaws may be made at any time by a quorum vote of the Boosters present at any General or Special meeting provided a copy of the proposed changes has been submitted in writing and received by each Booster member prior to the meeting in which action is to be taken on said changes.